Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Write Woman Finally Said it All (D-day is here!)

Surprise! Surprise! My graduation is September 4, 2015, which also happens to be my 49th birthday. Do you have any idea what that means? It means I graduated with a bachelor's degree in less than half a century. Imagine I could get a PhD before I'm dead at this rate. Hmm, Full Sail University has expedited classes. But seriously, others have suggested I write a book about my ongoing attempts to graduate, despite the amnesia on my first attempt and the car accident on my second. What can I say? I refused to give up.

So now the real work begins -- finding a job I love. A job that will make the $75,000 in school debt worthwhile, so while driving around at all hours with a pizza sign tacked to the top of my car does sound like loads of fun, it isn't enough to produce the mental stimulation I desire. Yes, this also means I am off the list of people offering samples at Sam's Club and Costco. I could have taken my worth's weight in passing out burrito samples, for sure. YUM! Are they allowed to sample the food, insuring it has not turned? Kidding.

I'm back to substitute teaching, until I find that needle in the haystack which promises a place where I can use my newly acquired talents and skills to forge a better life for my kids and me. I'm looking for positions to utilize my skills in writing. The good news is that as a substitute teacher, I get direct calls a week in advance to take classes as a preferred instructor.

Meanwhile, back at the Bat Cave, the final project I ended up submitting for school today was Momma's Boy. Sure, it started off with one title and went to another before settling on the best, but I've taken a liking to the story. Others like it too. Who wouldn't like a story about a momma's boy kidnapping girls for his mother and her boyfriend to hold for ransom? But when he discovers the girls die before their release, at the hands of her sadistic boyfriend, he's already fallen for his latest prisoner and needs to do what he can to save her. But we're doing the first ten pages or so into a short.

Also, I'm working with another writer on a team effort project for a webseries that has a lot of proven
potential. Of course it's not proven yet, but if it were the idea wouldn't be worth much, would it? So I can't tell you what the idea is aside from "it'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry..." Okay, the show won't make you cry, but it will make you laugh and think-- just not at the same time. I don't believe that's even possible, is it?

Anyway, if you find your company needs a writer, or you're simply just the curious sort, feel free to check out the website of MJ Brewer the writer! Until then, know that an education was the right way to go -- now I just need to pay the $708/month to back it up. Wish me luck!

Hope you enjoyed watching me grow over the past year into a professional writer. Everyone should get an education in something they love.

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