Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Write Woman Checks Stinky Armpits (33 Days to Grow Up)

All about physical appearance
 Honing in on the honesty button, let’s cut the crap. Readers, you know I’m no new baby. I’m so dry behind the ears if I walk in front of a fan a dust storm follows. But that doesn’t mean it’s okay for my kids to be "Dirty Dans"—they’re far too young. Besides, my crumbling skin fragments have nothing to do with cleanliness, just plain old simple aging. And I’m even exaggerating when I describe that to you. Still, answer this for me: Why do teens, in the prime of opposite sex attraction, insist on faking their showers? I don’t get it, but let me explain and perhaps you can fill me in.

Yesterday, my 13-year-old’s hair pokes out in every direction, and without an attempt to replicate Johnny Depp’s Edward Scissorhands character. He wakes up like that and assumes it’s stylish, I guess. Of course I don’t want to consider pure laziness. “Cameron,” I say, “You’ve got to take a shower today for the love of mankind! If you don’t, you can’t go anywhere with me.” He shuffles into the bathroom, I hear the water run, the radio goes on, and this continues for about 45 minutes. (Remember that amount of time.)

Kinda' cute -- from a distance
When he exits, his hair has damp spots on it as if he dribbled water over certain spots. I hugged him and took a whiff. “We don’t have a dog,” I say, “But I can smell a wet dog in here somewhere. Did you really shower?”

“Yes, I showered!” Defensively, he pulls back with an expression of disbelief, and continues, “I’m not going with you when you’re acting like this.”

Wait a cotton-picking minute! What’s happening here? I go into the bathroom and one side of the tub is wet, but not the wall. The mirror is foggy, but the towel is dry. Dumbfounded, I go to the only source possible to gather necessary information in childrearing—Facebook. You can find answers to anything on there! I asked my friends what the dealio is and how to handle it. One said her son covers himself in cologne to mask the scent. (This explains the wafting aromas in Walmart.) Another says her brothers used to go to the extent of bringing dirt into the bathroom, via their pockets, emptying it into the tub and attempting to pass it off as dirt from their bodies. As if their bodies are clean after, right?

Sibling Imitation
This whole thought provocative moment puzzles me considerably. 45 minutes in the restroom pretending! I explain to my son calmly, while he continues to insist he’s showered, if he really wants to pull it off he needs to wet the walls and the towel. By the time he pulls this charade off successfully, he could have taken three showers and felt like a Fruit Roll-up from being so squeaky clean. When he offers his armpit to me for a test run, I sucker into sniffing, knowing full well I’m asking for it. But there it is—the canine rolled in a pigpen smell, with fragrant lime scent to top it off. (Thank you, Old Spice Aqua Reef, for that extra fresh fruity manure aroma.)

So someone please explain the thinking behind this, and tell me if I can look forward to this from my ten-year-old daughter, with periods added in. Calgon, take me away!

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