Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Write Woman says, “Why do actors take pathetic roles?” (124 Days Remaining)

Whew! I don’t know if I’ll be retaking my last class or not, hopefully not, but it was damned hard. These past few days I was unable to eat, got a cold sore the size of a golf ball, had a huge and unrelenting headache for nearly three days, and couldn’t sleep for the life of me. Finally, I got my last assignment turned in yesterday. Depending on how it went, will also determine if I will need to retake the class. I don’t think my body will handle it, if I do.

The flip side is, I learned more from this class than I have ever learned from anything I’ve studied. Now I’m not talking about the lesson; I’m talking about searching into the depths of myself to discover just how badly I want this degree. I never would have suspected the drive existed to do as much work as I did for this class. But, I’m crossing my fingers I don’t have to do it again.

Strung out as thin as I am, I can’t find the time to do the things to create a future for myself, but perhaps that’s because I haven’t quite learned all of the elements. For example, I believe I’ve started Vermill!on Beach about five times now. Since this class, I’ve learned so much more about writing, I will rework the process yet again. This, unfortunately, means my chances are slim in completing the process by the June due date. But fortunately, I won’t have completed the screenplay (incorrectly) and paid the money in eager anticipation of nothing. That would have been much worse.

Speaking of “worse,” here’s one for you. Because I’m a Ryan Reynolds fan, I saw the unusual film The Voices. The only thing it had going for it besides Ryan Reynolds, was that the film was different. The plot sucked old eggs that hadn’t been refrigerated and were dipped in vinegar. Even the artistic shots were crappy, but the one good thing about the movie is there is one released that is just as big a let down.

The Double starring Jesse Eisenberg takes a great actor and utilizes his speaking ability (obviously the role was created with him in mind) of quick and concise to appear as a lunatic. From the beginning the plot was extremely clear, despite their Shell Game antics. The camera shots were just as ridiculous as The Voices in that they were evidently created to add depth to a mud puddle. The difference between this movie and the formerly mentioned one was the other one was trying like hell to poke your ribs for a giggle. Unfortunately, it was just extremely irritating, like the person who gets your phone number from a friend and calls five times a day to leave pointless messages. The Double starts off like a newer version of Joe Versus the Volcano, with drab office colors and half dead workers. The man who plays his boss, Wallace Shawn, was the same guy who played the irritating boss of The Incredibles. In fact, it’s almost as if some giant pinchers picked him up by the seat of his pants and transplanted him into this film. DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY when you can hear other people prattle on about their wasted time and money, while saving yours.

One more class down and six to go! (Of course, the book required for my Monday class got “lost in the mail.” Thank you, FedEx!) Wish me luck. In the meantime, I’m afraid of graduating. I mean, what in the hell am I going to do when I have time to myself?

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