Monday, April 6, 2015

The Write Woman Afraid for Wrong Reasons? (150 Days to Go)

Right, Wrong, or Whatever?
“If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right.” Remember that song? If you’re thirty or older, there’s no excuse for never having heard it. Anyway, I’m not saying I’ve totally sucked into involvement with someone. I’m not. But I can’t figure out why I’m even contemplating the issue. It isn’t, after all, as if I have time to eat and sleep properly. How in the world could I add in another task? Perhaps it’s the issue of me considering the whole thing a task, although there is work involved in a relationship and no one has asked me out.

Life is ONLY confusing if you think about it. Stop Thinking!
So at the library yesterday, I promised Nikki that I would play Wizard101 with her for an hour before I refocused on my homework. We played, I worked on helping her to focus more, and then we packed up with the intention of coming home. No sooner did we step out of the library doors than a male voice said, “Excuse me.” He couldn’t have been talking to me because 1) he didn’t whistle as if calling a dog, and 2) he didn’t start off with “Hey!” Of course I kept walking, talking and laughing with Nik as we usually do when we leave. But he couldn't let it go and repeated “excuse me” a bit louder. I turned to see a man I’d recognized as someone who is in the library all the time with headphones working at his laptop. I’m guessing a few years younger and a couple inches taller than me. He’s dark, but I’m unsure of his racial history, but then again, in a few years we’ll all be mulligan stew. My eight-year-old says she suspects he’s a descendant of India. He told me he sees me working hard every day and guesses I must be a student. Then he told me he took a few months off of work to take a series of tests necessary for internal medicine. His name is Michael Clark and he’ll complete his series April 17th. I congratulated him and acknowledged that I am a student. He didn’t ask me if I was a nurse, thank goodness! No offense to any nurses, but a group of them gather at the library and hearing some of the things they are unsure of has scared me away from going ever again. Okay, that and the bill for over $1,900 of them checking my heart scare before telling me a dead arm is a sign of my vertebrae’s misalignment. I wish they would have told me that in the first place. Anyway, when I congratulated Michael and wished him well on his journey, he quickly threw in he’d still be coming to the library after and his test was a couple of weeks away. I don’t know why I’m freaking, it isn’t as if he asked me out or anything. Here’s to hoping he doesn’t, right?

 Took the kids to see Home, starring Jim Parsons last week. It was fairly good. I will review it and have reopened my Ten Star Review Listing for my own reviews. I also watched Into the Woods, which was amazing, and conducted a review on it for GeekSmash. I’ve decided to borrow movies from the library and critique the hell out of them, combined with theatrical releases for my own website I’d started a couple years ago. I may as well.

Let me prune your flowers -- away!
Today when Nikki and I got home from shopping, I saw the beautiful Blue Bells I’d planted two years ago had blossomed, after I had written them off. Nikki gave me a hug and told me how beautiful they were, and they were. She helped me pack the groceries into the house by propping the door open and helping me put them away. When we were all done, there was a knock at the door. Peeking out, Nikki’s friend waited and waved through the screen door. She donned her Easter dress with matching gardening gloves and a bucket with sour cream containers filled with dirt. “Don’t worry,” she said, “I am gardening for your Easter gift from me today.” Her smile was huge as I ran past her to witness all of the blossoms, lying with their heads chopped off, all over the ground. Of course I was saddened. But she meant well, and it was free. How often do people approach me with tasks they’re willing to do for free? Instead of getting upset, I grabbed Nikki’s new Madagascar Penguins movie, put it into her hands and asked her to take Leila to her grandma’s and ask if they could watch it there. She hasn’t come back yet and I’ve written this full article.

Now I will go sit in my recliner and breath for ten minutes before coming back to read the series of The Good Wife, of which I must write an episode of for school. I’m on page 33 of Vermill!on Beach, and Cameron will be home in 2 ½ hours. I still have half an hour left of silence before Nikki comes home. I love my children dearly, but in order to have a true appreciation, I must force myself to realize what life without them would be like. I’ll go do that now.

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