When the beginning of a word begins
with Trans, I always think of Transylvania, although not the one in Kentucky. Sometimes transvestite or transit system, but what in the hell is transmedia writing or storytelling? In case you’re one of the
larger percent who isn’t aware of this word, here it is. They’ve determined
everything from advertising to displaying visual programs such as movies and
television shows is changing dramatically. You do realize what this means,
right? If you are in the writing industry, you’d better get in line to begin brushing
up and widening those skills. The job market is a tough one with less pay, and
health insurance is no insurance for sound mental health.
Health insurance is only an option to 65% of the
workforce now through the employer. You used to never have to ask if health
insurance was an option, just what the benefits were—and that’s a major draw to
a position. But healthcare is a governmental monopoly that will continue to rise, because it can.
Since I’ve started my new and exciting
job as a photographer, I thought I probably should invest in some healthcare.
Besides, I’ve heard about the ghastly hit at tax time for those without it.
Either way, the government makes money off of you. The premiums alone will cause a heart attack,
and for that price, I’d better make sure it’s a damned critical one. With
these prices, and Obama’s rule of MUST HAVE INSURANCE, (even one named after him). Insurance companies got their teeth in your ass like an alligator hanging off your backside. The bill alone will force you to the hospital.
For those of you feeling as if you
need an extra boost of confidence, especially if you wet your pants but have no
wet grass to sit in. Still, I wouldn’t suggest
walking around your office all day in the Victory pose. That’s just weird.
Now I'm going to get back to becoming a transmedial genius, without the gator or wet pants.