Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Write Woman Asks if an Education is Even Affordable (Can you say 193?)

With the rising cost of education combined with the rising cost of living, is an education affordable? Many people have children relying on them, and while sending them to sports camp and buying them pets proves important, wouldn’t buying these things be easier if you had a higher income? Some of the readers know exactly what I’m talking about when they consider what they’d be making if they had no degrees, fighting in the mosh pit every day for survival. Think about that, or just go back to eating your ageless Twinkies. Maybe they’ll candy your brain to preserve you longer. Guess you can try it!
            As an example, a lot of readers are aware I’ve had a considerable amount of schooling in the past. The first schooling I participated in was for paralegal work, with the intention of deciding whether or not I would continue as a lawyer. I have an interest in studying rules and the way they apply to particular people—not everyone follows the same rules. Even though this formal education was cut short by amnesia, my love for the subject remains strong enough I continue reading at the law library every chance I get. I’ve even represented myself a couple of times and won, not because I’m good, but because I’m interested. That doesn’t mean if you have an interest in reproduction and medicine you should consider prostitution.
            My viewpoint changed as the amnesia diminished leaving a new person in my bed. I started school a couple more times, unable to make my learning stick, until I schooled in education. This was my calling to life, I was told by a religious seer, but before I could utilize my skills, life took a traumatic turn with the car accident. Obviously, unable to stand or sit for extended period of time, took that education away, or did it? This knowledge, proven invaluable for homeschooling my son, was anything but a waste. I wind up learning from what I teach, as my son learns in listening, even if what I learn comes from observing him while he learns. Does that make sense?
            Time progressed, and now that I can again sit and walk as a normal person. My thinking process is anything but normal, I’ve decided to participate in what I love—writing for entertainment. Meanwhile, the other learning I’ve achieved undoubtedly serves for this purpose. Keep reading to let me explain.
            I must understand copyright, licensing, etc. –understanding law, and the way it works. Comprehending behavior of others and their mannerisms, as well as the way they learn constructs actions—understanding education. Now, I’m learning that mixing all of this 

"How else can I get ahead if I don't take a shortcut?"
educational experience together, along with my love of science, combine to create a conversant informer to mankind’s imagination. Sure, I probably could dodge the law, manipulate people, and perform experiments as a mad scientist—but that wouldn’t be as rewarding—or would it?
            So when people mention the cost of education and that they’ll do it when they can afford it, when they have time, or that they’re too old to start now—the answer for all three is identical. Sad excuses for not wanting to make an attempt because they’re simply used to the way things are now. Sacrificing a few years now to make twice as much money for decades is worth the cost. Use that money to pay back the loans, and then show your children how sacrifice can be valuable correctly executed. Or continue doing what you do, for the same amount of money, happily ever after.
            Besides, I get to watch movies as I always have, reading along with scripts to see how they vary. Using common sense, the fact Suzanne Collins wrote The Hunger Games and published it in 2008, a 374-page book, to aid into condensing into a 2-hour movie (considerably long) as executive producer, netted her a lot of income. Veronica Roth wrote Divergent in 2011, with 487 pages, which was publicized by Suzanne’s forging forward by writing, screenwriting, and producing her film.
Instead of taking the bull by the horns, Veronica sold the rights to the film, allowing someone else to work on the screenplay and production. (Her work, incidentally, consists of twice as many pages as The Hunger Games.) Now, unhappy with how much was cut from her sizable work, she’s announced to learn screenwriting and produce the current work on her own.
   For one of the classes I’m in now, Publishing and Distribution, I’m required to create a work and submit the story for publication. This will be accomplished by Smashwords, an interesting publishing company. Unlike some companies, such as CreateSpace, which Hazards of Eris was released through, Smashwords allows the writer to retain all rights to the work afterwards. This is probably the first place you'll see the novel Vermill!on Beach later this year. But for now, watch for my new short, by looking up MJ Brewer on Smashwords.

The other difference between the two companies CreateSpace sells hard copies and e-books, and Smashwords only helps create e-books. The point is though, if word gets out about your book, because it’s so hot, companies will undoubtedly contact you for the rights, instead of you having to run yourself ragged for their attention. Long and short? You must sell your book for 15% of the profit through CreateSpace and you’ll get about 60% from Smashwords. You don’t need to be a mathematician to figure these numbers out, do you?
"I'll need to take my gloves and boots off to count the loot!"
            Screenwriting is a tough deal to get into, no matter how good you are, unless you already have someone in the business to support your goals. If not, get your work published through people reading and then move on to film. That’s what I’m doing. Okay, that isn’t all I’m doing. I’m also applying for internships during my final year of school. After all, experience in the real world is a vital key to being hired. For those who are students, the good positions require a copy of your report card, so give them something to talk about. If you don’t have good marks in your class, you need to stand out somehow, but I wouldn’t rob a bank—at least not yet.


Monday, February 16, 2015

The Write Woman Writes the Right Stuff (199 Days ‘til Take-Off)

Like too many people who have so much to say, I started up with a ton of blogs. Not all at once, mind you, but I have so much to say… The problem consists of writing information interesting enough others will read it. That’s a good one. My life’s excitement consists of wondering whether the white sock or the black sock will be on top when the dryer stops spinning. Don’t be ridiculous! I don’t dry blacks with whites! Geesh!
            So while I am in the shower—yeah, I think best there—I thought about how long it’s been since I’ve written on this blog. Then I realized the blog counts down the days to my birthday and more importantly, my graduation! YEAH! With that in mind, and the title of this blog, doesn’t it makes sense I would fill the audience in on what a single mother who substitute teaches, home schools her kid, rewriting my novel, and manages to get awesome grades does? In a word it’s called “work.” That’s all I seem to do. But it’s so much more than that.
            In my class of Publishing and Distribution this week we need to submit an unpublished short story to at least 10 publishing companies with individualized cover letters, each stating something a little different. Sounds time-consuming, but not too hard, right? That’s because I didn’t tell you that in addition to that, we need to have a page depicting the websites of each of the publishing companies and a spreadsheet to keep track of our submissions. Yep, we need to turn that in too!
            Today’s Monday and we have until Sunday. As luck would have it… I can’t drive my car until a mechanic takes a peeksy. I skipped changing the oil on time and may have caused considerable damage to the engine. (Crossing my fingers I didn’t totally screw it up.) This means I haven’t been working out at the gym. That’s the bad news. I’ve re-opened the welcome wagon to a fat ass. I’ve gained back about five pounds… (You can say “aaaah,” if you want.) But the good news riled me up at my four a.m. start time where I popped into the living room and started writing for class.
            At first, I was going to write an older person’s version of Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree, and I typed about five pages before it dawned on me that it just wasn’t working right. Sitting in the dark for a bit, I closed my eyes and thought back to my childhood. I attended Kaysville Junior High with Davis High right across the street. Our school bus would pick up both schools and deliver us at the same time. One winter day, after getting us from school, the driver pulled up in front of the high school. We called him “Gummer,” because he had no teeth and no one knew his real name. (Let that be a lesson to you. If you don’t tell kids your name, they’re gonna make one up.) The kids were pushing and shoving the way they always do when the bus arrives. But this day was icy and cold with some fresh powder on the ground.
            The screaming kids alerted the driver who backed up, running over the girl again had been pushed under the bus. They filed us off the bus, walking forward to board the bus ahead of us while the police came out to investigate. Pretty sick, eh? Glad I didn’t see it. But it did give me something to write about.
            Well, I’m pretty hungry now. Lasagna sounds pretty good, right?
            Oh, get this! I’m applying for an internship in LA! Yeah! It’s for writing commercials. I’m
having some of my favorite instructors write recommendations for consideration and as soon as they make it to me, I’ll be able to complete the process. I’ve always been a sucker for commercials, like the Cliff Clavin of thirty-seconds. I could rattle off a commercial (performing the dance for extra money) in a heartbeat. Now, if I land this gig, I’ll be bringing in $2,000/week for a couple of months and possibly swing a deal to work there permanently. After all, when the internship is over, I’ll graduate almost immediately. Do you know what the low end of commercial writing is? According to the 2014 Writers’ Market, the pay starts at $60/hour and rises to about $99/hour. It’d be tough, but I think I could manage.
            Isn’t it funny how life turns out? I had high hopes of being a crossing guard when I was a kid. A crossing guard! But I was the wrong gender for that, according to the school. They gave me a position rolling the film projector from room to room and showing films to the classes. Now look at me. Could you imagine me a cop? Nah!