Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Write Woman’s Suspense is Killing Her! (84 Days to Graduate)

One decision, great success

First, to find the links in this article, you must skim with your mouse because they are not highlighted, for some reason. Technology, right?
Still, I have some important things to get off my chest, so here goes.

You know when you’ve had a first date and you go home after, thinking about all the possibilities that can crop up from that one meeting? I mean, you could actually do something totally crazy and fall in love in a few months. This time next year you could be married. If things get really wild, you could have a new baby. So much can change with a single decision made in a short period of time. Lives can literally be altered with one person’s decision to either date or not date, make eye contact or not make eye contact, hire her or not hire her for a position at your company. You’re life is hanging by a string, waiting for someone else to decide. Or your date could tell you to get lost and leave you at the table to pay the bill.
Fine, you strangled it out of me. I’m so uptight about finding out about this position tomorrow I have had a throbbing headache for two nights. The good news is that tomorrow night, one way or another I should find about the end result. I just hope it’s great news that puts me to bed with a smile and images of dancing gingerbread men. But either way, this part will be over. And I’ll either have a new position with an amazing company with extraordinary people, or I’ll need to go back to the drawing board and start fresh, searching for that other needle in the haystack.
On the flip side, I must do something right. I got a call from another company wanting my help with writing scripts and putting together instructional videos for their company. It’s a
Are all scripts really alike? Yes, Virginia, they are.
subcontracted company to help prevent kids from committing suicide, which I’m a huge advocate of supporting. The problem is that my income right now is extremely limited, and they said they are unable to pay me at first. While I’d really like to help, and will do what I can, all of my “extra” time (like I have any to start with) is spent looking at working positions and filling out resumes. So really, I have no spare time. I spent nearly an hour and a half on the phone with him, explaining the approaches that need to be taken and telling him I’ll write his scripts for free, but I can’t promise anything more until I’m in a better position. Scripts are a breeze for me to write. Juggling? Not so much. That’s my son’s deal, and he’s not bad.
Nikki is ecstatic for this weekend. Her brother is visiting his father and she gets me all to herself. Well, whatever is left over from attending school online. But this week I’m feeling in control. We’re making games in school, and mine is about this character (male or female) who has either a dog or a child. His/her brother is missing after a freak radiation storm (which we have a 12% chance of encountering, by the way). All the world’s power goes out and some of the people get radiation poisoning that alters their thinking ability. Our government had two days notice to get prepared and didn’t tell the civilians, for fear of reeking havoc. Okay, I can hear you and see your hand doing that puppet thingy, “blah,blah, blah.” So you’ll have to believe me when I tell you it’s pretty darned exciting. Anyway, I’ll make time for my daughter. I have to. She won’t be young forever. Perhaps I can create a video game she’d enjoy playing. Hmm. Little square men that don’t talk. Nope, Roblox has already been made.
Less than 10 years ago

This is me now
The real news? My son encouraged me to submit my entry to an upcoming game show called “Strong.” It’s a weightloss show for people needing to lose 30 lbs. It just happens that is exactly the amount I need to lose. I submitted my pictures and story so I can be publicly humiliated for the world’s entertainment. I did not, however, submit a picture of myself in a bikini. First of all, how many women who are not feeling their best are even going to purchase a bikini, not to mention post it to strangers so they can laugh and point? Sure, I’ll tell myself I’m an inspiration to someone and hope it’s true. Then again, I’d need to wait for them to call me. Cameron says I’m so weird I’d probably end up turning the weightloss show into a half hour sitcom. I doubt it, but if I did I could break into television maybe—as a writer. I’ve never really wanted to be on the front side of a camera since I turned 30. Somehow that’s the magic age when reality kicks you in the teeth and tells you Cinderella isn’t someone realistic to idolize. You knew before then? Well, as long as you’re not one of those people who rains all over others’ parades, I’ll continue to believe in Santa and the magic of positive thinking.

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